My Testimony as a Latter-Day Saint

I would like to share with you my testimony of the truth which has brought so much peace and happiness to my life.

I feel very blessed personally to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  I desire to share with you my testimony of some things I feel in my heart are true.  I am a typical member of the church and have served in various positions in the church as other members do.  You may call me a lay member, but there is no professional clergy (preachers) in the church, therefore no lay members as such.  The entire church is made up of “lay” members who equally serve in various capacities, whether it be a Sunday School Teacher or Bishop, (the leader of the congregation).  Also, there is no ‘one’ preacher or minister in the church, members take turns speaking in our worship services.  See basic facts about the Church.

My profession is an Engineer, in which I have worked for many years.   I have a large family and a wonderful wife and love them all very much. We are blessed to live in beautiful Northern California foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.   The words of my testimony herein are my own and are given only to fulfill my desire to share with others what I know to be true.   I am sure that my testimony is typical of many others in the church.

My Testimony of God and Jesus Christ.  I have a firm testimony of God, our Heavenly Father, and his son Jesus Christ. I know without a doubt that God lives and loves me as He does all his children.   I pray to Him every morning and evening beside my bed.  When I pray I address Him as,  “Our Father in Heaven” because he truly is our spiritual Father, I thank him for the blessings He has given me and ask him for what I need.  I always close my prayers by saying “in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen” because Jesus Christ is our savior and redeemer.  Jesus said “No man cometh to the Father but by me.”  My faith in God is strong, I believe what Jesus said, “Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find.”   This is so very true.  My Heavenly Father answers my prayers everyday.   He helps me solve problems that I have a home and at work.   He helps me do my best in whatever I do.   I have received guidance from his spirit though the prompting of the Holy Ghost.  He has given me inspiration to guide my life.  I know he loves me, I have felt the intensity of His love.  I know He loves all of us, his children, no matter what situation we find ourselves in.  He can help each of us, all we need to do is humble ourselves and ask.

I have strong faith in our Savior Jesus Christ.   I know that he is the only begotten Son of God in the flesh and born of a virgin.  He lived a perfect life and set the example for us to follow.  He suffered, bled and died for my sins and for the sins of all men who will repent and follow him.   I know He died and after three days rose from the grave, resurrected with an immortal body.  He lives today with His body of flesh and bones.   I know because of His atonement we all will eventually be resurrected and live again in our physical bodies.

My testimony of Prophets. I have strong conviction that God reveals his word though prophets today as He has anciently.  Throughout all ages of time God has raised up prophets to lead the people and teach them the truth.  His methods of revealing His Word have not changed.  I know that just as God has spoken to prophets of old, he speaks to prophets in modern time.  Joseph Smith was the first prophet called of God in this modern age.  God the Father and Jesus Christ visited him at an early age and through many revelations restored the pure and simple Gospel of Jesus Christ to the Earth with all of its great redeeming blessings.

My testimony of the true Church of Jesus Christ.  Jesus organized His church in ancient times.  He ordained twelve Apostles with priesthood authority, the power to act in his name.  They lead the church by revelation from the Holy Ghost after He ascended to Heaven.   The Apostles had the authority to preach the Gospel and administer the ordinance of Baptism.   They taught the people to have faith in Jesus Christ, repent, be baptized for the remission of sins and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.  Believers then became members of the Church of Christ. 

 Because of the wickedness of men the pure Gospel was lost, the authority to administer the Gospel was removed from the Earth.  When the ancient apostles were killed and there was no authority to direct the work or call new Bishops and Elders to replace the ones that were ordained to lead the various Churches in the Mediterranean world.   Thus the authority of the true church of Jesus Christ was lost and only a semblance of the church and its original teaching remained.

I testify that John the Baptist was sent from heaven to Joseph Smith to restore the authority to baptize. And three of the leading Apostles Peter, James and John and were sent to restore the priesthood authority of the ancient apostles.  With this authority and many revelations from Jesus Christ, Joseph Smith was able to fully organize and restore again the Church of Jesus Christ to the Earth.

My Testimony of the Book of Mormon.  I believe all that God has revealed to His holy prophets.  The words of God are recorded in the Old and New Testament.   They are a comfort and guide to me.  I also believe what God has revealed to prophets in ancient American scripture, the Book of Mormon.  I know  this  book was translated by the gift and power of God from ancient records by Prophet Joseph Smith.   It testifies of Jesus Christ and relates how he appeared to the inhabitants of America after his resurrection in Palestine.   I have received a witness from Spirit of God that this book is the true and is the word of God and goes hand in hand with the Bible.   Knowing this, helps confirm that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God because he brought it forth under God’s direction.

I know that the Church today is lead by prophets and twelve living Apostles who direct the work of the Lord by inspiration from the Holy Ghost.

I know as we come unto the Savior and live the His teachings, we will be blessed in this life and in the life to come.  As we make covenants with God and promise to keep His commandments, remaining worthy and faithful to the end, we will be able to live with our families eternally in joy and happiness with God our Father and our Savior Jesus Christ.  

I testify that these things are true in the name of Jesus Christ,



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